echo-interview with Marc Gerosa, Managing Director, Schweizerischer Kaderverband (SKV), St Gallen
elipsLife echo: Mr Gerosa, the Schweizerischer Kaderverband (SKV) was established in 1988 to promote the economic and professional interests of its members. What does this mean exactly?
Marc Gerosa: With the legal form of a registered association, the activities of the SKV centre on occupational pension schemes. The body is an affiliation of corporate executives, self-employed persons and SME’s that seek out attractive, demand-driven pension schemes and subsequently offer these to its members at preferential rates.
What advantages does the SKV offer ist members?
For SME’s and self-employed people, it’s relatively difficult to find attractive pension schemes. So our association designs suitable products for just these target groups, for example in the area of occupational pension plans. The SKV is officially recognised as a professional body by the supervisory authorities in eastern Switzerland. So it’s also able to offer solutions to self-employed persons across all industries, regardless of whether these persons are insured under the Swiss Occupational Pensions Act or not. This possibility doesn’t exist anywhere else in Switzerland. Usually, self-employed persons need to apply to their respective professional association and, should such a body not exist for their particular profession, to the BVG National Benefits Foundation. The conditions this body is able to offer are less attractive however.
Does the SKV only operate within the scope of the Federal Law on Occupational Benefits ( BVG)?
No, we also offer attractive products in the third pillar, for example the so-called pillar 3b, in the form of straight risk coverage. Additionally, we provide insurance solutions that go beyond pure provisioning. For instance, just recently we launched liability insurance products covering professional, business and D&O liability. These areas fit very well with SKV’s overall capability. We’re also active in medical and sick-pay insurance, where demand is especially strong from the self-employed and small entrepreneurs. It’s in these very areas that attractive products for SME’s are difficult to find.This is where we can help.That being said, old-age provisioning remains the main focus for us, particularly occupational pension plans. For SKV, this has become a very important area of activity.
You achieve beneficial insurance solutions for your members through group contracts. What criteria do you apply when choosing your insurance partners?
As a general rule, we select one insurance partner per product. It has to be an established, economically sound company that our members can trust. The product needs to be simple, flexibly structured and geared towards the interests of our members. All this means that we seek insurance partners who are prepared to work with us to devise mutually beneficial solutions.