

The website is the internet site of Elips Life Insurance Company (hereinafter referred to as elipsLife). By accessing the website, you acknowledge and accept the following conditions:

Regional restrictions

Elips Life Insurance Company is licensed to sell life and health insurance in all States and the District of Columbia except for the State of New York. Group Term Life Insurance, Group Short Term Disability Insurance, and Group Long Term Disability Insurance products are provided by Elips Life Insurance Company.

Exclusion of warranty and liability

Although the information published on this website is reviewed and updated regularly, elipsLife cannot offer any assurances or guarantees concerning the completeness, accuracy and relevance of the information. For binding information, please refer to our General Insurance Provisions.

This website is used at the user's own risk. To the extent possible under the law, elipsLife excludes any liability for loss or damage arising from or related to accessing or using this website (or the inability to access or use this website).

Linked websites

elipsLife's website may contain links to other websites. As elipsLife cannot check or determine their contents, it does not accept any liability for their contents, product and service offers or other offers or for their compliance with the provisions of data protection legislation.

Right to make changes

elipsLife reserves the right to change this website at any time without prior notice.

Your satisfaction with our services is important for us!

We therefore take your suggestions, comments and complaints very seriously. The quickest way to address any concerns is to contact your relationship manager or usual contact person. You can also write us at:

Elips Life Insurance Company
Legal & Compliance
PO Box 59030
Schaumburg, IL, 60173



Regional restrictions

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the information here described address corporate customers domiciled in Italy. Products are mainly sold through specialized insurance brokers.

Your satisfaction with our services is important for us!

We therefore take your suggestions, comments and complaints very seriously. The quickest way to address any concerns is to contact your relationship manager or usual contact person.

How to file complaints and resolve disputes


  • To the insurance Company

    For any complaint relating to the Insurance contract, the complainant may apply directly in writing (by post, fax or e-mail) to the Company's Complaints Department:

    Elips Life Ltd.
    (Complaints Office)
    Via San Prospero, 1 - 20121 Milan, Italy
    Fax: +39 02 82 958909
    e-mail: erpynzv@crp.ryvcfyvsr.pbz

    specifying in writing and in detail the reasons and facts invoked. The Company will reply to the complainant within and no later than 45 (forty-five) days from receipt of the complaint.


  • To IVASS (italian Authority)

    If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint or if no response is received within 45 days, the complainant may write to:

    IVASS - Consumer Protection Service
    Via del Quirinale, 21 - 00187 Rome.
    The complaint must be sent to IVASS by post or by fax to
    The complaint may also be submitted via PEC to the certified email address
    The following complaint form can be used: ai reclami.pdf
    Info on:


  • To FMA (Liechtenstein Authority)

    Complaints that may be addressed to IVASS, may also be addressed to the Supervisory Authority of the Company's country of origin (Liechtenstein),  namely, in accordance with its provisions, to the
    Financial Market Authority (FMA) of Liechtenstein
    Landstrasse 109, Postfach 279
    9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
    Phone +423 236 7373 - Fax +423 236 7374 - Email: vasb@szn-yv.yv

Please note that in the event that the complaint is not or only partially upheld, the right to appeal to the Judicial Authorities shall remain unaffected.

Before going to Court, alternative dispute resolution systems may be used:

  • Mediation: by contacting a Mediation Body among those listed by the Ministry of Justice, which can be consulted at (Law 9/8/2013, no. 98).
  • Assisted Negotiation: By requesting your lawyer to the company.
  • Other alternative dispute resolution systems: For the resolution of cross-border disputes, the complaint may be submitted directly to the competent foreign system, i.e. the system of the country in which the insurance company that issued the contract is based (which can be found by accessing the website or to IVASS, which will forward it to the system and inform the complainant.


Regional restrictions

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the information and products described here address corporate customers domiciled in the Netherlands. Products are only sold through specialised insurance brokers.

Your satisfaction with our services is important for us!

We would like to hear if you are satisfied with our services, but of course also if you are not. Please contact your relationship manager or your usual contact person at elipsLife. We take your suggestions, comments and complaints very seriously.

Can't we figure it out together? Then email your complaint (mention the reference number in your email) to xynpugra@ryvcfyvsr.pbz. Or send your complaint by post (mention the reference number in your letter) to:

Elips Life AG
Attn. the management
PO Box 282
2130 AG Hoofddorp

You will receive a substantive response to your complaint within 10 working days.

Our ambition is to take away your concerns. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can report your complaint to Kifid. You will also find tips for writing a complaint letter on the Kifid website.

What is Kifid?

Kifid is the abbreviation of the Complaints Institute for Financial Services. The complaints institute investigates whether the complaint is correct and what should be done. Kifid will handle your complaint independently and impartially. You can read everything about Kifid at

When do you report a complaint to Kifid?

You can contact Kifid if it appears that we cannot resolve your complaint. You must do this within 3 months after you have been informed of our position. Filing a complaint costs nothing. It is important to first see whether they can handle your complaint. You do this via the rapid test. You can find this rapid test at

What does Kifid do for you?

If Kifid can handle your complaint, they will mediate between you and the financial service provider. If this mediation is not successful, the Disputes Committee will make a decision. Please note that this may take some time.

You will find a lot of information on the Kifid website. Including about the internal complaints procedure of a financial service provider.

How can you reach Kifid?

Postbus 93257
2509 AG Den Haag
email address:
A complete overview of the contact details can be found here: Contact - Kifid

The website is the Internet site of Elips Life Ltd and Elips Insurance Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “elipsLife”). By accessing the website, you acknowledge and accept the following conditions:

Regional restrictions

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the information and products described here address corporate clients domiciled in Ireland. Products are only sold through specialised insurance brokers.


Exclusion of warranty and liability

Although the information published on this website is reviewed and updated regularly, elipsLife cannot offer any assurances or guarantees concerning the completeness, accuracy and relevance of the information. For binding information, please refer to our General Conditions of Insurance.


This website is used at the user’s own risk. To the extent possible under the applicable law, elipsLife exclude any liability for loss or damage arising from or related to accessing or using this website (or the inability to access or use this website).


Linked websites

elipsLife’s website may contain links to third-party websites. As elipsLife cannot check or determine their content, we do not accept any liability for their content, products and service offers or other offers, or for their compliance with the provisions of data protection legislation.



All features of this website, in particular photos, graphs, texts, etc., are protected by copyright, with elipsLife owning all property rights. The website content or parts thereof may be downloaded, printed, copied, saved and edited for personal use only.


Right to make changes

elipsLife reserve the right to change this website at any time without prior notice.


Your satisfaction with our services is important to us!

We therefore take your suggestions, comments and complaints very seriously. The quickest way to address any concerns is to contact your advisor or usual contact person. You can also write to us at:

Elips Life Ltd, Irish branch office
134/135 Lower Baggot Street, 
Dublin 2, D02 HN29


What you can expect from us

We will record your complaint and do all we can to resolve it by the end of the next business day. Some complaints take longer to resolve. If this is the case, we will let you know we are looking into your complaint and when you can expect to hear from us again.


Resolving your complaint

We are committed to resolving your complaint as soon as possible, but definitely within two weeks. If your complaint will take longer than two weeks to resolve, we will write to you at that time to explain why there is a delay. Once we have thoroughly looked into your complaint, we will send you our final response, informing you of what we found out, about our decision and, if applicable, what we plan to do.


If you are not happy with the outcome

In the unlikely event that we are unable to resolve your complaint, you may be entitled to refer your complaint to the following supervisory authorities and independent statutory officer:


Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein

Complaints can be sent to the FMA as follows:

  • Postal address: Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein, Landstrasse 109, Postfach 279, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
  • E-mail:

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman 
Complaints can be sent to the FSOB as follows:


Statement on Engagement

Statement on Engagement and Shareholder participation as at 1st July 2023

With its headquarter in Ruggell, Elips Life Ltd. is authorised in Liechtenstein and adheres to the Persons and Companies Act (hereinafter: "PGR") of Liechtenstein.

Applicable Law
In Liechtenstein, the second Shareholder Rights Directive of the European Union (ARUG II, Directive (EU) 2017/828) has been transposed into domestic law via the PGR. Elips Life Ltd. (hereinafter: "Elips Life") is a company which conducts life insurance business in Liechtenstein and thus qualifies as an institutional investor pursuant to Art. 367a PGR. Pursuant to Art. 367h PGR, Elips Life is obliged to either publish its participation policy regarding participations in listed companies on its website or to publicly explain why it has decided not to do so (comply or explain). In the case of participation in listed companies, a distinction must be made between a) the management of shares in the company's own portfolio and b) those shares which Elips Life holds for the account and risk of the policyholder(s) within the scope of unit-linked and unit-linked life insurance or pension insurance solutions.

Information according to art. 367h PGR – participation policy
Elips Life does not directly invest in securities and does not provide or engage in regulated investment activities. Elips Life also did not hold any equity investments as at 31 December 2023.

Elips Life does not hold any shares in its own portfolio, either directly or indirectly, and does not plan to invest in this asset class in the near future.

For the aforementioned reasons, a participation policy within the meaning of Art. 367h para 1 PGR is not adopted and not exercised by Elips Life. Information in this regard in the sense of Art. 367h para 2 PGR is therefore omitted.

Information pursuant to Art. 367i PGR Investment strategy and agreements with asset managers
Elips Life relies on Swiss Life Asset Managers France which is a portfolio management company under the supervision of the French financial market supervisory authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) inter alia authorised to manage assets on behalf of third parties. As part of its main responsibilities, Swiss Life Asset Managers establishes the Swiss Life Group's investment strategy and long-term investment views;  manages and oversees the investment assets and related processes; provides investment and operational services to the Group, Business Divisions and legal entities, as well as support and advise on strategic projects, transactions and portfolio management.  The strategic mandate given to Swiss Life Asset Managers is comprised of the management of the investment assets generated through the activities of Elips Life and advising Elips Life where appropriate.

Swiss Life Asset Managers’ objective is to maximise risk-adjusted performance in line with targets set at Group and entity levels. Swiss Life Asset Managers also considers other objectives and constraints specific to each entity with respect to investments to define the optimal asset allocation under the defined Group investment strategy.

There is no incentivisation of the asset manager. Swiss Life Asset Managers provides support and advice regarding changes to the entity Strategic Asset Allocation (“SAA”). The guidance is given according to the characteristics of the entity’s underlying re/insurance liabilities to achieve defined financial and risk objectives which are based predominantly on a long-term market outlook.

The Swiss Life Asset Managers governance framework governs the investment decision process.

The arrangement with the Swiss Life Asset Managers is ongoing.



Privacy Policy

Expansion strategy continued

We continued to pursue our expansion strategy in 2019. In Italy, for example, we reached the break-even point after only three years. In the US, where elipsLife only started its business activities in 2019, we can also look back on an encouraging business performance. In the area of group insurance, we succeeded in establishing business relationships with more than 40 brokers in the Midwest, East Coast and Southwest, and were able to close our first deals.

In the Switzerland/Liechtenstein market, we took a major step into French-speaking Switzerland by concluding an important contract. In the Benelux market, we managed to enter new market segments: we launched a new disability insurance product in the Netherlands and successfully entered the captive reinsurance market.

Premium growth achieved

In 2019, the total premium volume rose to USD 1157.5 million, up from USD 1115.3 million in the prior year. In our strategic core business alone, we recorded growth of 14.6%, with an increase from USD 411.7 million to USD 472.0 million. The core markets of Switzerland/Liechtenstein, with approximately 8.6%, and Benelux, with approximately 15.5%, contributed in particular to this strong premium growth. The new markets of Italy, the U.S., Germany and Ireland also made a contribution to the very positive growth overall, in some cases with significantly larger premium volumes. Outside our core business, the premium volume in USD declined slightly due to currency effects: in the year under review, the Irish Medex health insurance business recorded a decline in US dollars of 18.1 million, to USD 685.5 million. Overall, the balance sheet total in 2019 rose to USD 2243.4 million, up from USD 1859.2 million in the prior year.

Improving profitability

Our strong growth and successful expansion into new markets in 2019 stood in contrast to our profitability performance and considerable set-up costs in the new markets. While we improved profitability in the Switzerland/Liechtenstein market in daily sickness benefit business, we did not succeed in achieving this in accident business. The high number of claims led to a technical loss in disability insurance. We also recorded a decline in the technical result in one line of business in the Netherlands. These aspects combined resulted in a total loss of USD 23.4 million in the year under review.

We will draw the necessary lessons from our business performance. Working closely with clients and brokers, we aim to further enhance the quality of our contract portfolio while also strengthening our underwriting discipline. Especially in the Switzerland/Liechtenstein market, it is of key importance for us to overcome the profitability problems in accident insurance business.

Ever since elipsLife was founded, its strategy has been aimed at growth through the acquisition of new business. The next phase will now be characterized by a combination of growth and a focus on profitability. With Swiss Re’s ongoing full support, we will deploy our resources efficiently and will continue to expand into new markets.

The step from start-up to established company has already led to some adjustments, and others will follow. This holds true for management as well as the positioning and orientation of business in the markets and the further optimization of processes. The mature elipsLife will, however, also maintain its momentum and innovative spirit.


All figures comply with the United States’ Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Data Protection

Data Protection Privacy Notice

elipsLife appreciates your visit to this website ("elipsLife Website") and your interest in our services and products. Data security and protection of your privacy is important to us and we want you to feel comfortable visiting our site.

Please read the following carefully to understand how elipsLife collects and uses your personal data. By accessing the elipsLife Website you acknowledge our Data Protection Privacy Notice (“Notice”).

This Notice may be updated from time to time. We therefore ask you to consult it on a regular basis. The last line of this Notice below indicates when the Notice was last updated.

1. What is the purpose and the scope of this Notice
Elips Life Insurance Company and their branches (hereinafter referred to as "elipsLife" or "We") are committed to safeguarding the personal information we collect from individuals who use the elipsLife Website. Accordingly, elipsLife has developed this Notice to describe how and what type of data will be collected from users of the elipsLife Website and the purposes for which elipsLife may collect, share or disclose the data. elipsLife also outlines reasonable precautions, which are taken to keep your data secure.

This Notice applies to any information obtained by elipsLife through your use of the elipsLife Website. It is not applicable to any internet websites controlled by third parties not affiliated with elipsLife that the elipsLife Website may link to ("Third-Party Sites"). Please review the privacy statements of Third-Party Sites, as elipsLife is not responsible for, and has no influence on, the content or the privacy practices of Third-Party Sites.

The terms of this Notice are subject to any additional terms of disclaimers or other contractual terms you have entered into with elipsLife, such as client privacy notices, and any applicable mandatory laws and regulations.

Any personal data provided to or gathered through this website is controlled by Elips Life Insurance Company PO Box 59073, Schaumburg, IL 60159 ("elipsLife"). When processing your personal data, elipsLife strictly adheres to the respective applicable federal and state regulations in the field of data protection. elipsLife observes the following principles:

2. Which data we collect and process
elipsLife may collect and process the personal data you provide, as a user of the internet and of the elipsLife Website, when:
• Browsing the website
• Registering on the website restricted area
• Applying to an open job position
• Raising a complaint
• Registering to our newsletter
• Reporting a problem with the elipsLife Website
• Requesting information about our company, or products and services
• Completing surveys that we use for research purposes

2.1. Collection of access data and IP addresses
When visiting the elipsLife Website, our web server routinely stores technical data, such as the operating system used, the browser you use, as well as the date, time and duration of your visit, the websites that have linked you to our website or you accessed our website.

We do not collect and store your internet protocol address (IP address).

No personal data is captured except for data provided to us voluntarily, for example when you use the online premium calculator. Technical data is stored separately from personal information on secure systems. No conclusions are drawn about the identity of individual persons. Such data is used anonymously and for statistical purposes only (e.g., the number of visitors, from where visitors have come to the website and the pages they visited).

2.2. Open access and closed user groups
As a user of the internet, you have unrestricted access to all public areas of elipsLife website. Access to restricted areas is reserved for users with special authorizations (e.g., clients, distributors and other closed user groups).

2.3. E-mail traffic
The unencrypted transmission of data by e-mail is neither secure nor suitable for exchanging personal data or other confidential information. If you should disclose personal data by e-mail without taking the necessary security precautions, elipsLife cannot exclude the possibility that unauthorized third parties may access this information and collect, use or falsify the data without your consent. If you should nevertheless contact elipsLife by way of unencrypted e-mails, we will assume you explicitly wish to communicate with us in this manner. In this case, you accept that we may reply to your unencrypted e-mails in the same manner or transmit the requested information in unencrypted format. If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

3. How we use data and information
When processing your personal data, elipsLife complies with data protection applicable laws and regulations. We use the data and information held about you in the following ways:

• Information you give to us: elipsLife will use this data to carry out its obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, to provide you with the information, products and services you request from us, to respond and manage a complaint you might raise, to manage a job selection you applied for, to notify you about changes to or to make suggestions and recommendations that may interest you about our range of products or services, or to ensure content from our site is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your device.

• Information we collect about you: elipsLife will use this information to administer its website, to improve it, and to keep it safe and secure; for internal operations (e.g., troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes); to measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising; to make suggestions and recommendations about goods or services that may interest you.

• Information we receive from other sources: elipsLife may combine this information with the information you give to us and information we collect about you. We may use this information and the combined information for the purposes set out above.

4. How we process and store data and information
Data will be processed manually or by means of IT and telematics supports, in a strictly related way to the above-mentioned purposes and, in any case, in compliance with the security measures necessary to prevent unauthorized access, loss or destruction, also accidental, and in general the illicit handling of data, in accordance with current regulations.

elipsLife retains your personal data for so long as is necessary with regard to the purposes for which they were collected or lawfully further processed, or for so long as may be necessary in light of our legal obligations.

5. How we share data and information
For the purpose above, the following subjects might process your personal data, in their capacity of external data processor or, when allowed by the applicable laws, in their capacity of autonomous data controllers:

• Professionals, consultants, or provider of instrumental services or services that can be of support for elipsLife (e.g., IT service providers, head hunters, experts, consultants etc.)
• Subjects carrying out related and instrumental activities (e.g., storage, management, data archiving and destruction, customer support activities like call center and help desk etc.)
• Other companies belonging to Swiss Re Group
• Other subjects to whom the communication of data is mandatory by law

In addition, for the purposes above, in their capacity of responsibilities or persons in charge of the processing, the employees and/or associates of elipsLife involved in the respective duties might process your data in accordance with the instructions given by elipsLife. The personal data processed are not subject to disclosure.

Your personal data can be transferred abroad but only in the European Union (EU) and/or in the European Economic Area (EEA) Countries and/or in Countries that provide an adequate level of protection as identified by the European Commission.

6. Data security
elipsLife takes all the required technical and organizational measures to reliably protect your data against loss, destruction, distortion, manipulation, unauthorized copying, unauthorized access and other illegal acts of data processing. Data can nevertheless be lost or intercepted and/or manipulated by unauthorized parties during the transmission process. As your computer or mobile device falls outside the security zone that can be controlled by elipsLife, elipsLife does not accept any responsibility for data security or data protection when data is being transmitted over the internet. It is the user's responsibility to determine the necessary security precautions and initiate the required measures. elipsLife can only guarantee that your data enjoys the warranted protection from the time when the data is received by us.

Our site may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note these websites have their own privacy policies, and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

7. Cookie policy
elipsLife uses what is known as cookies to make its website as user-friendly as possible.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers stored on your browser or the hard drive of your computer, if you agree. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive.

elipsLife uses the following cookies:
• Strictly necessary cookies: Cookies required for the operation of the elipsLife Website (e.g., to log into secure areas)
• Analytical/performance cookies: Cookies that allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors, and to see how visitors move around the elipsLife Website when they are using it. This helps us improve the way the site works.
• Functionality cookies: Cookies used to recognize you when you return to the site. This enables us to personalize our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (e.g., your choice of language or region).
• Targeting cookies: Cookies that record your visit to the site, the pages you visit and the links you follow. We use this information to make the elipsLife Website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.

Third-party cookies
Our websites will set several types of third-party cookies, and we do not control the operation of any of them. Third-party cookies may include:

Google Analytics – elipsLife uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service that uses a cookie to evaluate your use of the elipsLife Website and compile reports for us. Google stores the information collected by the cookie on servers in the United States. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Data of the website users are pseudonymized before the submission. You can view the Google Privacy Policy here:

Google Tag Manager – elipsLife uses Google Tag Manager to collect to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on the site. Collected data do not include personally identifiable information. Data of the website users are pseudonymized before the submission. You can view the Google Privacy Policy here:

ISSUU and YouTube – To support its website, elipsLife sometimes embeds photos, publications and video content from websites such as ISSUU and YouTube. As a result, when you visit a page with content embedded from ISSUU and YouTube, you may be presented with cookies from these websites. Elips Life Insurance Company does not control the dissemination of these cookies. You should check the relevant third-party privacy policies for more information here:

Visual Website Optimizer – elipsLife uses Visual Website Optimizer cookies to run campaigns and to track user information. The cookies keep track of the variation a user has viewed, and helps to serve the same variation to the user consistently, track goals completed by the user, and determine whether a user is part of a campaign. You can view the VWO here:

Depending on the type of browser you use, you can also configure your cookies’ settings: You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site.

For details on how to configure your browser, please go to the "Help" menu section of your internet browser, or set your mobile devices. By way of example:

- Internet Explorer:
- Chrome:
- Safari:
- Firefox:

8. Your rights
You have the right to obtain:
• The confirmation of the existence or non-existence of your personal data, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form;
• The content and origin of personal data, the purposes and methods of processing, as well as the logic applied when processing by means of electronic means;
• The identification details of the data processors and data controllers, as well as of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom your data may be communicated or to whom they may be disclosed;
• The updating, rectification, integration of your data as well as the deletion, anonymization or blocking of the data processed in violation of law, including those that are not required to be retained in relation to the purposes for which the data has been collected or subsequently processed or to oppose in any case, for licit reasons, the processing of the data;
• The confirmation that those to whom the data have been communicated have been informed about the operations above, except in the case where such fulfillment is impossible or involves a job of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right
• A copy of the complete data processor list

California residents: To exercise your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act relating to deletion, access or portability of your personal data, or any privacy-related questions, please contact at:

Should you have a request regarding the processing of your personal data please send it to the following address:

Elips Life Insurance Company
PO Box 59073
Schaumburg, IL, 60159


9. Complaints: Should you wish to discuss a complaint, please feel free to contact us using the details provided above. All complaints will be treated in a confidential manner.

Should you feel unsatisfied with our handling of your data, or about any complaint that you have made to us about our handling of your data, you are entitled to escalate your complaint to your competent data protection supervisory authority.

10. When was this Notice last updated?
This Notice was last updated in August 2020. We review this Notice regularly and reserve the right to make changes at any time to take account of changes in our business activities, legal requirements, and the manner in which we process personal data. We will place updates on this website and where appropriate we will give reasonable notice of any changes.

Cookie Policy



Home Office United States:

1450 American Lane, Suite 1100
Schaumburg, IL 60173

T: 1-833-847-5708
F: 1-630-259-409

Statutory Office United States:

Elips Life Insurance Company
237 East High Street
Jefferson City, MO  65101


Responsible for content:
Elips Life Ltd, Irish branch office
134/135 Lower Baggot Street, 
Dublin 2, D02 HN29 

Telephone: +353 (0) 196 10 140

Branch Manager: Michael Marshall

Additional information:
Companies Registration Office number 908699
VAT number: 03482697QH

Information about Head Office:
Statutory seat: Elips Life AG, Gewerbeweg 15, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Legal form: joint-stock company under Liechtenstein law
Commercial Registry Office: Vaduz
Commercial Register number: FL-0002.304.360-5
Registered share capital: CHF 12,400,000.00
Equity capital (total as at 31.12.2016): CHF 71,739,471.00
Sole shareholder: Swiss Re Life Capital Ltd (100% subsidiary of Swiss Re Ltd)

Supervisory authorities:
Financial Market Authority
Landstrasse 109
Postfach 279
9490 Vaduz

Telephone: +423 236 73 73

Elips Life Limited Irish Branch is authorised by the Financial Markets Authority in Liechtenstein and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct of business rules.

Impressum / Anbieterkennzeichnung

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
Elips Life AG, Triesen, Zweigniederlassung Deutschland
Köln Turm, Im Mediapark 8
50670 Köln

Telefon: +49 (0) 221 99309800
Fax: +49 (0) 221 99309810
E-Mail: pbzcyvnapr@ryvcfyvsr.pbz

Hauptbevollmächtiger der deutschen Niederlassung:
Lucas Müller

Mitglieder des Vorstandes:
Christoph Gaus (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
Julien Descombes
Ralf Hardegger
Eric Herbelin
Kaspar Weiss

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Thierry Léger

Weitere Angaben:
Registergericht: Köln
Registernummer: HRB 86744
Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer (USt.-Ident.-Nr.): DE815 626 322

Angaben zur Hauptniederlassung:
Statutarischer Sitz: Elips Life AG, Landstrasse 40, 9495 Triesen, Liechtenstein
Rechtsform: Aktiengesellschaft liechtensteinischen Rechts
Registergericht: Vaduz
Registernummer: FL-0002.304.360-5
Eingetragenes Aktienkapital: CHF 12‘400‘000
Eigenkapital (per 31.12.2016): CHF 71‘739‘471
Alleinaktionär: Swiss Re Life Capital Ltd (100% Tochtergesellschaft der Swiss Re AG)

Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörden:
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
Graurheindorfer Str. 108
53117 Bonn
Telefon: 0228-4108-0
Fax: 0228-4108-1550
E-Mail: cbfgfgryyr@onsva.qr

Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein (FMA)
Landstrasse 109
Postfach 279
9490 Vaduz

Telefon: +42 (0) 3 236 73 73
Fax: +42 (0) 3 236 73 74
E-Mail: vasb@szn-yv.yv

Elips Life AG unterliegt der allgemeinen Aufsicht der Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein (FMA) in Liechtenstein und der eingeschränkten Rechtsaufsicht der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin).

Responsible for the content:

Elips Life Ltd, sede secondaria italiana
Via San Prospero 1
CAP 20121 Milano

T: +39 (02) 947 585 90
Email: pbagnpg@ryvcfyvsr.pbz
Certified email address: <fcna>ryvcfyvsr@crp.ryvcfyvsr.pbz</fcna>

Head of the Italian Branch: Pierluigi Verderosa
Company Registration Number: MI - 2126819, Camera di Commercio Milano
Fiscal Code/ VAT number: 13733431004

Statutory seat of Elips Life Ltd : Landstrasse 40, 9495 Triesen, Liechtenstein
Legal Form: joint-stock company
Company Registration Number: FL-0002-304.360-5
Registered share capital: CHF 12’400’000.00
Sole shareholder: Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, Zurich

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Thierry Léger
Executive Board: Christoph Gaus (Chairman), Julien Descombes, Ralf Hardegger, Eric Herbelin, Kaspar Weiss

Elips Insurance Ltd, sede secondaria italiana
Via San Prospero 1
CAP 20121 Milano

T: +39 (02) 947 585 90
Email: pbagnpg@ryvcfyvsr.pbz
Certified email address:

Head of the Italian Branch: Pierluigi Verderosa
Company Registration Number: MI - 2126837, Camera di Commercio Milano
Fiscal Code/ VAT number: 13735421003

Statutory seat of Elips Insurance Ltd : Landstrasse 40, 9495 Triesen, Liechtenstein
Legal Form: joint-stock company
Company Registration Number: FL-0002-384.577-7
Registered share capital: CHF 5’000’000.00
Sole shareholder: Elips Life Ltd, Triesen

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Thierry Léger
Executive Board: Christoph Gaus (Chairman), Julien Descombes, Ralf Hardegger, Eric Herbelin, Kaspar Weiss

Supervisory Authority for Elips Life Ltd. and Elips Insurance Ltd.:

Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein (FMA)
Landstrasse 109
Postfach 279
9490 Vaduz

T: +423 236 73 73
F: +423 236 73 74
Email: vasb@szn-yv.yv


Elips Life AG
Industriestrasse 56
9491 Ruggell

T: + 423 239 95 55

Statutory office of the companies:

Elips Life AG, Ruggell: Commercial Register: FL-0002.304.360-5
Elips Life AG, Ruggell, Dutch branch in Hoofddorp: Kamer van Koophandel nummer: 51782987 


Elips Life AG

Gewerbeweg 15
9490 Vaduz

Elips Insurance Ltd.
Gewerbeweg 15
9490 Vaduz

T: + 42 3 239 95 55
F: + 42 3 239 95 54

Statutory office of the companies:

Elips Life Ltd: Vaduz (FL); Commercial Register: FL-0002-304.360-5
Elips Insurance Ltd: Vaduz (FL); Commercial Register: FL-002.384.577-7
Elips Life Ltd, Vaduz, Zurich Branch; Commercial Register: CHE-341.472.987


Elips Life AG
Industriestrasse 56
9491 Ruggell

T: + 423 239 95 55

Statutory office of the companies:

Elips Life AG, Ruggell: Commercial Register: FL-0002.304.360-5
Elips Life AG, Ruggell, Dutch branch in Hoofddorp: Commercial Register: 51782987

