elipsLife echo: Ms Schildknecht, let us into your secret. How do you manage to get A-listers like Diane Keaton and Sean Penn to come to Zürich?
Nadja Schildknecht: When they're in Zurich, our guests need the opportunity to network with their peers. We do everything we can to ensure they leave the city with pleasant memories. Of course the trip to Zurich has to be worthwhile from a business angle as well. Producers, directors and actors come here to showcase their movies to the public. And they're all keen to have as much written and spoken about their films as possible. Because the world media are on hand in the city, the movie industry has come to rate the Zurich Film Festival very highly.
The 2015 Zurich Film Festival is now into its eleventh year. Why do you think it's been so successful?
I believe the best way to stay successful is not to harp on about it. We always do our very best, analyse what we've accomplished and constantly strive for improvement. It sometimes bothers me a little when I hear the statement that the Zurich Film Festival is a success, even though it's gratifying of course when we get praise like this. It just steps up the pressure on us. Every year, people expect more which, seen from the outside at least, is all but impossible to achieve. Really nerve-wracking are the final weeks before the actual event, when you're putting the finishing touches to the overall programme, when all the pieces of the puzzle that you've been working on all year begin to fall into place. I can assure you that the last thing on your mind during this phase of hectic activity is a feeling of success.
Does the Festival's rapid growth mean that it has now reached its limits? Or put another way, where are its actual limits?
It's not our goal to attract an ever increasing number of movies and guests to Zurich but rather to maintain the quality of the event. This is most important. We're already showing 140 movies and flying in over 500 guests from abroad, all of whom need looking after while they're here. I'm always asking myself whether what we set out to do is financially feasible at all. Every year we have to tailor our budget to the prevailing economic situation. And we also need to ensure that any new ideas or goals we might have are not going to overburden our team members, even though all of them are eager and ambitious. We set great store by growing organically. So I can't really say where the limits are. What I do every year, in consultation with my business partner, is to fix new limits for each Festival.