

Regional restrictions

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the information here described address corporate customers domiciled in Italy. Products are mainly sold through specialized insurance brokers.

Your satisfaction with our services is important for us!

We therefore take your suggestions, comments and complaints very seriously. The quickest way to address any concerns is to contact your relationship manager or usual contact person.

How to file complaints and resolve disputes


  • To the insurance Company

    For any complaint relating to the Insurance contract, the complainant may apply directly in writing (by post, fax or e-mail) to the Company's Complaints Department:

    Elips Life Ltd.
    (Complaints Office)
    Via San Prospero, 1 - 20121 Milan, Italy
    Fax: +39 02 82 958909

    specifying in writing and in detail the reasons and facts invoked. The Company will reply to the complainant within and no later than 45 (forty-five) days from receipt of the complaint.


  • To IVASS (italian Authority)

    If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint or if no response is received within 45 days, the complainant may write to:

    IVASS - Consumer Protection Service
    Via del Quirinale, 21 - 00187 Rome.
    The complaint must be sent to IVASS by post or by fax to
    The complaint may also be submitted via PEC to the certified email address
    The following complaint form can be used: ai reclami.pdf
    Info on:


  • To FMA (Liechtenstein Authority)

    Complaints that may be addressed to IVASS, may also be addressed to the Supervisory Authority of the Company's country of origin (Liechtenstein),  namely, in accordance with its provisions, to the
    Financial Market Authority (FMA) of Liechtenstein
    Landstrasse 109, Postfach 279
    9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
    Phone +423 236 7373 - Fax +423 236 7374 - Email:

Please note that in the event that the complaint is not or only partially upheld, the right to appeal to the Judicial Authorities shall remain unaffected.

Before going to Court, alternative dispute resolution systems may be used:

  • Mediation: by contacting a Mediation Body among those listed by the Ministry of Justice, which can be consulted at (Law 9/8/2013, no. 98).
  • Assisted Negotiation: By requesting your lawyer to the company.
  • Other alternative dispute resolution systems: For the resolution of cross-border disputes, the complaint may be submitted directly to the competent foreign system, i.e. the system of the country in which the insurance company that issued the contract is based (which can be found by accessing the website or to IVASS, which will forward it to the system and inform the complainant.