Legal Notes
Regional restrictions
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the information and products described here address corporate customers domiciled in the Netherlands. Products are only sold through specialised insurance brokers.
Your satisfaction with our services is important for us!
We would like to hear if you are satisfied with our services, but of course also if you are not. Please contact your relationship manager or your usual contact person at elipsLife. We take your suggestions, comments and complaints very seriously.
Can't we figure it out together? Then email your complaint (mention the reference number in your email) to klachten@elipslife.com. Or send your complaint by post (mention the reference number in your letter) to:
Elips Life AG
Attn. the management
PO Box 282
2130 AG Hoofddorp
You will receive a substantive response to your complaint within 10 working days.
Our ambition is to take away your concerns. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can report your complaint to Kifid. You will also find tips for writing a complaint letter on the Kifid website.
What is Kifid?
Kifid is the abbreviation of the Complaints Institute for Financial Services. The complaints institute investigates whether the complaint is correct and what should be done. Kifid will handle your complaint independently and impartially. You can read everything about Kifid at www.Kifid.nl.
When do you report a complaint to Kifid?
You can contact Kifid if it appears that we cannot resolve your complaint. You must do this within 3 months after you have been informed of our position. Filing a complaint costs nothing. It is important to first see whether they can handle your complaint. You do this via the rapid test. You can find this rapid test at www.Kifid.nl.
What does Kifid do for you?
If Kifid can handle your complaint, they will mediate between you and the financial service provider. If this mediation is not successful, the Disputes Committee will make a decision. Please note that this may take some time.
You will find a lot of information on the Kifid website. Including about the internal complaints procedure of a financial service provider.
How can you reach Kifid?
Postbus 93257
2509 AG Den Haag
email address: consumenten@kifid.nl
A complete overview of the contact details can be found here: Contact - Kifid
Disciplinary Board for Insurers (Tuchtraad Verzekeraars )
The Insurers Disciplinary Board supervises the conduct of insurers. It assesses complaints on the basis of binding self-regulation of the Dutch Association of Insurers.
Consumers cannot, in general, lodge their complaint directly with the Disciplinary Board. The Kifid can refer disciplinary complaints to the Tuchtraad. The Disciplinary Board assesses whether a complaint is well-founded or not. If a complaint is well-founded, the Disciplinary Board can impose punishment. A punishment can range from a warning to a reprimand. But also, for example, announcing the judgment with mentioning of the name of the insurer. The Disciplinary Board can also advise the Association on taking measures against an insurer. Such as termination of membership of the Association. The Disciplinary Board cannot impose damage compensation on the insurer.
Is the complaint about compliance with the Code of Conduct for Insurers, such as a quick and careful claim settlement? In that case, insurance customers and other interested parties who cannot turn to Kifid can file a complaint with the Disciplinary Board themselves.
Would you like more information? Consult the regulations of the Disciplinary Board on tuchtraadverzekeraars.nl