

Regional restrictions

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the information here described address corporate customers domiciled in Italy. Products are mainly sold through specialized insurance brokers.

Your satisfaction with our services is important for us!

We therefore take your suggestions, comments and complaints very seriously. The quickest way to address any concerns is to contact your relationship manager or usual contact person.

How to file complaints and resolve disputes


  • To the insurance Company

    For any complaint relating to the Insurance contract, the complainant may apply directly in writing (by post, fax or e-mail) to the Company's Complaints Department:

    Elips Life Ltd.
    (Complaints Office)
    Via San Prospero, 1 - 20121 Milan, Italy
    Fax: +39 02 82 958909
    e-mail: erpynzv@crp.ryvcfyvsr.pbz

    specifying in writing and in detail the reasons and facts invoked. The Company will reply to the complainant within and no later than 45 (forty-five) days from receipt of the complaint.


  • To IVASS (italian Authority)

    If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint or if no response is received within 45 days, the complainant may write to:

    IVASS - Consumer Protection Service
    Via del Quirinale, 21 - 00187 Rome.
    The complaint must be sent to IVASS by post or by fax to
    The complaint may also be submitted via PEC to the certified email address
    The following complaint form can be used: ai reclami.pdf
    Info on:


  • To FMA (Liechtenstein Authority)

    Complaints that may be addressed to IVASS, may also be addressed to the Supervisory Authority of the Company's country of origin (Liechtenstein),  namely, in accordance with its provisions, to the
    Financial Market Authority (FMA) of Liechtenstein
    Landstrasse 109, Postfach 279
    9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
    Phone +423 236 7373 - Fax +423 236 7374 - Email: vasb@szn-yv.yv

Please note that in the event that the complaint is not or only partially upheld, the right to appeal to the Judicial Authorities shall remain unaffected.

Before going to Court, alternative dispute resolution systems may be used:

  • Mediation: by contacting a Mediation Body among those listed by the Ministry of Justice, which can be consulted at (Law 9/8/2013, no. 98).
  • Assisted Negotiation: By requesting your lawyer to the company.
  • Other alternative dispute resolution systems: For the resolution of cross-border disputes, the complaint may be submitted directly to the competent foreign system, i.e. the system of the country in which the insurance company that issued the contract is based (which can be found by accessing the website or to IVASS, which will forward it to the system and inform the complainant.


Statement on Engagement

Statement on Engagement and Shareholder participation as at 1st July 2023

With its headquarter in Ruggell, Elips Life Ltd. is authorised in Liechtenstein and adheres to the Persons and Companies Act (hereinafter: "PGR") of Liechtenstein.

Applicable Law
In Liechtenstein, the second Shareholder Rights Directive of the European Union (ARUG II, Directive (EU) 2017/828) has been transposed into domestic law via the PGR. Elips Life Ltd. (hereinafter: "Elips Life") is a company which conducts life insurance business in Liechtenstein and thus qualifies as an institutional investor pursuant to Art. 367a PGR. Pursuant to Art. 367h PGR, Elips Life is obliged to either publish its participation policy regarding participations in listed companies on its website or to publicly explain why it has decided not to do so (comply or explain). In the case of participation in listed companies, a distinction must be made between a) the management of shares in the company's own portfolio and b) those shares which Elips Life holds for the account and risk of the policyholder(s) within the scope of unit-linked and unit-linked life insurance or pension insurance solutions.

Information according to art. 367h PGR – participation policy
Elips Life does not directly invest in securities and does not provide or engage in regulated investment activities. Elips Life also did not hold any equity investments as at 31 December 2023.

Elips Life does not hold any shares in its own portfolio, either directly or indirectly, and does not plan to invest in this asset class in the near future.

For the aforementioned reasons, a participation policy within the meaning of Art. 367h para 1 PGR is not adopted and not exercised by Elips Life. Information in this regard in the sense of Art. 367h para 2 PGR is therefore omitted.

Information pursuant to Art. 367i PGR Investment strategy and agreements with asset managers
Elips Life relies on Swiss Life Asset Managers France which is a portfolio management company under the supervision of the French financial market supervisory authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) inter alia authorised to manage assets on behalf of third parties. As part of its main responsibilities, Swiss Life Asset Managers establishes the Swiss Life Group's investment strategy and long-term investment views;  manages and oversees the investment assets and related processes; provides investment and operational services to the Group, Business Divisions and legal entities, as well as support and advise on strategic projects, transactions and portfolio management.  The strategic mandate given to Swiss Life Asset Managers is comprised of the management of the investment assets generated through the activities of Elips Life and advising Elips Life where appropriate.

Swiss Life Asset Managers’ objective is to maximise risk-adjusted performance in line with targets set at Group and entity levels. Swiss Life Asset Managers also considers other objectives and constraints specific to each entity with respect to investments to define the optimal asset allocation under the defined Group investment strategy.

There is no incentivisation of the asset manager. Swiss Life Asset Managers provides support and advice regarding changes to the entity Strategic Asset Allocation (“SAA”). The guidance is given according to the characteristics of the entity’s underlying re/insurance liabilities to achieve defined financial and risk objectives which are based predominantly on a long-term market outlook.

The Swiss Life Asset Managers governance framework governs the investment decision process.

The arrangement with the Swiss Life Asset Managers is ongoing.



Privacy Policy

Website users

Edition 03.2024

It is a central concern of elipsLife that your data is handled responsibly. In this privacy policy, we explain how and for what purpose we obtain and process your personal data that we collect via the elipsLife website,, and associated services (hereinafter also referred to as the “website”) and which statutory data protection rights you have.

1. Data controller
The data “controller” is Elips Life Ltd, Industriestrasse 56, 9491 Ruggell, Liechtenstein and its branch offices (collectively “elipsLife” or “we” or “us”). Elips Life Ltd is part of the International division of the Swiss Life Group.
Should you have any questions regarding this information or how elipsLife processes your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at pbzcyvnapr@ryvcfyvsr.pbz.

2. What data we collect when you use our website
When you access our website, elipsLife collects the following data:
- Your contact details, such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail address
- Information you can give us when you contact us
- If you accept cookies, please read our Cookie Policy

3. Cookies, web tracking and similar technologies
When you visit our website, we automatically collect information such as your IP address (the unique address that identifies your device from all others on the internet), the type of device you use (e.g. tablet, phone or PC), and cookies from your device.
Our website contains web technologies that collect information from your movements on our website and the information you enter. We use this information to improve the design of our website and the services we provide to you by improving the customer experience.
Cookies are also used to compile anonymous website usage statistics, prevent fraud and measure the effectiveness of our services.
For more information about cookies and web tracking, see our Cookie Policy.

4. For what purposes we use your data
Together with carefully selected third parties, we collect and use your data to comply with our legal obligations and use it for the following legitimate business purposes:
- To communicate with you about products you own or services you use;
- To detect and prevent fraud and other criminal offences;
- To verify your identity when you contact us or use our services;
- To find out your views on our services;
- To conduct statistical analyses and to develop and improve the products and services we offer;
- To operate, test and secure our IT systems, offices and facilities;
- To maintain our accounts and records;
- To investigate and handle complaints and to answer queries.
We keep the amount of data collected and the extent of processing to the minimum required to fulfil these legitimate business purposes.

5. Retention period
Your data will only be retained for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected and as long as we are legally or contractually obliged to retain it.

6. Parties with whom we share data
As required, we will only pass on your personal data as follows:
- to other Swiss Life International companies or companies affiliated to us
- to affiliated companies, including reinsurance companies, and our other suppliers and service providers (for the services offered to us; see the list of service providers)

7. Where we transfer data to
elipsLife may also transfer your data to other countries of the European Economic Area (EEA). According to the Federal Council, these states guarantee secure and trustworthy data protection.

8. Automated decision-making and profiling
We do not carry out any profiling or make automated decisions for the users of our website.

9. Your rights
You have certain rights as defined by the relevant legal conditions and framework. You have the right:
1. To request information from us as to whether and which data we process about you;
2. To request that your data be corrected by us if it is inaccurate;
3. To request that we delete your data if we are not obliged or entitled to process it further;
4. To object to our processing of your data (this generally makes it impossible to provide services);
5. To ask us to hand over certain personal data in a conventional electronic format or transfer the data to another controller.
If you wish to exercise your data protection rights, please contact us in writing at pbzcyvnapr@ryvcfyvsr.pbz or by post (Elips Life Ltd, Compliance, Industriestrasse 56, LI-9491 Ruggell).
If you are not satisfied with the information provided, you can also contact the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC), Feldeggweg 1, 3003 Bern (e-mail: or the Data Protection Office (DSS), Städtle 38, P.O. Box 684, LI-9490 Vaduz (e-mail:

10. Updating our privacy policy
elipsLife reserves the right to modify this privacy policy without prior notice to take account of current statutory provisions and changed business procedures. We will actively inform persons whose contact details are registered with us about major changes as and when they occur, provided this is possible without disproportionate effort. As a general rule, the data protection declaration in its current version at the start of processing applies for data processing. This data protection declaration does not form part of the contract.

Last update: October 2023

Cookie Policy


Responsible for the content:

Elips Life Ltd, sede secondaria italiana

Via San Prospero 1 - 20121 Milano - Italy

T: +39 (02) 82 9589 00
Certified email address: <fcna fglyr="pbybe: #00o6r8;">ryvcfyvsr@crp.ryvcfyvsr.pbz</fcna>
Company Registration Number: MI - 2126819, Camera di Commercio Milano
Fiscal Code/ VAT number: 13733431004

Statutory seats:

Elips Life Ltd : Industriestrasse 56, 9491 Ruggell, Liechtenstein

Legal Form: joint-stock company
Company Registration Number: FL-0002-304.360-5
Registered share capital: CHF 12’400’000.00
Sole shareholder: Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, Zurich

Supervisory Authority for Elips Life Ltd. and Elips Insurance Ltd.:
Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein (FMA)
Landstrasse 109
Postfach 279
9490 Vaduz

T: +423 236 73 73
F: +423 236 73 74
<fcna fglyr="onpxtebhaq: juvgr; pbybe: #00o6r8;">vasb@szn-yv.yv</fcna>

